NIWIIT Announces Date, As Ondo State First Lady Leads Speakers To 5th National Conference

  • Apr, Tue, 2019
Information Technology may not be the sole solution to economic problems, however Information and Communication Technologies serve as tools that enable digital transformation and provide newer and smarter ways of communicating and transacting business. 

Therefore, Digital Transformation has become the game changer; impacting every aspect of today’s businesses, economy and individual’s life.


To drive digital transformation goes beyond embracing new technologies. It connotes a change in thought, processes and culture of an organization and every individual’s approach to the deployment and use of technology.

But, without critical policy interventions and implementation to enable more Nigerian women participation in this digital transformation journey it will even aggravate the digital divides in the country.

Policy-makers need to take into cognisance the need to create lots of women empowerment programs on ICT to positively impact the country’s #SmartNation initiative and consequently unlock the dividends of digital economy.

The President, Nigerian Women In Information Technology (NiWiiT), Dr. Florence Babalola, in a chat with, said that the aforementioned informed the choice of theme for the forthcoming fifth National Conference of NIWIIT which is “Role of Nigerian Women In Digital Transformation of Nigeria: Present and Future”.

President of NiWIIT, Dr. Florence Babalola

According to her, the NiWiiT National Conference will provide a platform for stakeholders from all sectors – government, industry, academia, multilateral agencies, international organizations, youth groups, civil society, etc., to brainstorm and share practical solutions on the theme through keynotes speech, papers presentations, demonstrations and the hands on workshops.

“The theme of the conference is very apt and crucial now for discussion in our nation considering the fact that it has become imperative for Nigeria to unlock the dividends of digital economy in the face of dwindling oil revenue with increasingly pressure on the economy and for the very fact that 50% of Nigerian populace are female which must not be ignored for the country to successfully build a #SmartNation that  will improve the country’s economy and achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

She further disclosed that Her Excellency, Arabirin Betty-Ayankwu Akeredolu, the Ondo State First Lady is the Lead Speaker of the historic occasion schedule to hold between 1st – 2nd of May, 2019 at Delight Hotel and Suites, Ilawe Road, Ado Ekiti, Ekiti State.

She said that NiWiiT has confirmed that other speakers who are experts in the field with handle technical sessions and the training workshop.

“With spectrum of affiliation; their presentations are bound to generate interest beyond the Conference in the various subthemes such as Nigerian Women’s Training and Professional Development in Computing Technology; Nigerian Women’s seat at the Table (Intersectionality and our Community in Computer Technology); Black Women’s Research, Collaborations and Collective Stories in Computer Technology; Blockchain Technology; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Big Data and Internet of Things (IoT,) etc.

“We are also going to have our third edition of NIWIIT Awards and Gala Night to give honour to who honour is due to”, Dr. Babalola added.